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Did you know ShowingTime products are used by more than 950,000 real estate professionals in the U.S. and Canada for a wide range of business needs? While their needs are diverse, we do receive some common questions more frequently than others. We thought it would be helpful to put together a brief FAQ with answers to some questions we received in the last month.

Of course, this FAQ only scratches the surface of the resources ShowingTime users have at their disposal. As always, our Resources page is an excellent first stop for any questions or insights into ShowingTime services. Our Support team is also available seven days a week by live chat, email or phone. For contact information and hours of availability, click here.

Can agents who are licensed in more than one MLS manage both accounts in the ShowingTime mobile app?

Yes! For agents who are licensed in more than MLS, they simply have to link their accounts.

To do so, agents should log in to their primary ShowingTime account and access their Profile. From the Profile, agents must select the Link Account button and search for the additional account(s) they’d like to link.

What kind of training materials can I access to better my understanding of my ShowingTime product?

Agents have access to a host of training materials that are designed to help new ShowingTime users and veterans alike!

From their ShowingTime account, agents can access articles, training videos and more by clicking the Help tab on the side menu (or for agents using ShowingTime Front Desk, at the top menu). Agents can also access those resources directly by visiting The ShowingTime Resources page is an additional great resource for insight into both ShowingTime products and industry best practices.

See also: Getting Acquainted with the ShowingTime Resources Page

How can an agent update office and contact details in the app if they’ve switched offices?

All office and agent details are automatically imported into ShowingTime showing management products from their MLS. The ShowingTime mobile app, however, will have to be re-authenticated using the new email address associated with the agent’s new office.

Are you a real estate professional looking for tools that will save you time and money? Learn how the ShowingTime Appointment Center can free up your time to focus on other tasks to grow your business.