ShowingTime is now part of ShowingTime+
Here are some FAQs ShowingTime has received from agents and homeowners in the past month:

How can sellers change appointment notification preferences?
It’s easy for sellers to set up notifications according to their preferences once they’re added as a contact to the listing. Sellers can receive a “Showing Requested” alert or a confirmation notification. Learn more >

If the sellers app is offered in your market, sellers can get alerted by an automated phone call, text, email, and/or push notification. It can get overwhelming pretty quickly once appointments are requested and confirmed. Maintaining open communication with your seller is the most efficient way to keep them informed without bombarding them with notifications.

How can sellers block off an hour or two during the day when they don’t want showings?
Sellers cannot set up their own calendar availability, but as a listing agent, you can easily do it for them by creating “Showing Restriction” rule for their listing. Learn more >

A homeowner has the same listing for sale and for rent. How can they see all the activity in their account?
Each homeowner is connected to a unique listing ID and can only see the activity on one listing at a time. However, as a listing agent, you can merge the listing that is both for sale and for rent in your ShowingTime account so your sellers can see and manage the activity for both via the mobile app or desktop platform. Learn how >

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